Sara Atashhoosh


قبلی بعدی
Sara Atashhoosh


قبلی بعدی

Sara Atash Hoosh

Date of Born: 03/11/1989


Instagram: Sara Atashhoosh

Education Experience

  • Master of Illustration of Tehran university
  • Bachelor of painting of Tehran Alzahra university
  • Associate of Graphic from Tehran Shariati University

Work experience:

  • Cooperation with American, British, Turkish and Arabic Companies and Publishers like BBC and Timas Cocuk.
  • Cooperation with Iranian Publishers, Companies and Institutes like Persian Media Production, NAVA Art and Elmi Farhangi.
  • Participation in many Iranian and international Exhibitions and art competitions, such as Cow Festival 2021.
  • Holding 12 National and International Exhibitions as a Curator.
  • Teaching painting and illustration for two years at the University of Tehran and Alzahra University.
  • Participation in Tehran Beautification Organization’s art events to provide some urban illustrations and paintings